Our Clients Say
At DSC, research is our foundation. Our frameworks are research-rooted, underpinned by scholarly engagement. Programs are built upon adult learning theory and asset-based pedagogies.
Our Theory of Practice
Asset Based
We engage in asset-based frameworks because we know that focusing on deficits doesn’t help students or teachers. We see assets first in students. We see assets first in the participants in our programs.
Center Joy
We intentionally center joy, community, care, and humanizing
approaches because we believe at their core, schools should be places where both students and teachers feel cared for, learn, and experience joy.
No Shame
We know that when you know better, you do better. So we don’t engage in practices that focus on shaming people for their behaviors and beliefs. We lovingly call folks in to join this work.
Pedagogy AND Practices
This work is holistic. As we dive into DEI work, it’s important that we interrogate the systemic challenges and deal with the day-to-day implications of the work.
Solutions Oriented
We’ve spent a lot of time describing the problem. The facts and the data are there. We know that inequity is pervasive. It’s essential to name the problem. But that’s not all; we must move past just describing the problem and get to solving it. Our work is solutions-oriented, and we focus on developing actionable next steps.
Start, Sustain, Scale
We don’t do “one hit wonders”. This work takes intention and commitment. Whether you’re ready to start, sustain, or scale the work. We can meet you where you’re at, and help you get to the next level!